
Friday, August 13, 2010

Education blogs and podcasts are my new best friends!

Wow, it is amazing. I started looking at blogs, and although they were information dense, I couldn't get so excited, or feel like I fad applicability or retention.
Enter podcasts for teachers:
This one is smart, fast, and had great ideas: join your local "Friends of the Library" then you can get pre-shows at the book sales and clean up for books for your classroom!
Another one: Now this is really good- Ask for local groups or politicians to sponsor field trips! Brilliant.

This one also piqued my interest, as a way to see what's possible in teaching :Teachers Teaching Teachers Podcast
This one has inspiring stories from the Gulf:  studies of the damages, public service work, student involvement with rebuilding communities.

The reason I use podcasts is that I already am a big consumer of audible material. I am an old school DJ, old school radio person, and probably have more of a leaning toward audible learning vs. visual or physical  or kinesthetic.  I bet many students have  the same and that's why I have to learn to use podcast in my lessons.

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